California Commercial and
Public entities have an unprecedented opportunity
to obtain solar power with little or
upfront cost. A Solar Power Purchase Agreement or Solar
Tax Lease can start saving you today without a large capitol
investment. The return on investment for
a solar power system in California typically is better than most other
investments you can make. Ensure your businesses future
with solar power, call today to find out more.
Why your business
should consider a Solar Power System?
- Photovoltiacs have achieved state of the art performance and
- Energy rates are increasing, investing in solar allows you to
lock in your energy costs protecting your company from energy inflation.
- Cash rebates, tax credits and an accelerated depreciation
can cover nearly 75% of the cost of a system and provide your company
with an immediate return on investment.
- Increases the value of your property.
- Solar Power is 100% renewable. The fuel powering your business
is free.
- Contributes toward the reduction of harmful green house gases.
- Helps the US curb its dependency on polluting foreign energy